Karl Wu's Blog

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance

Generative Model Part 2:A Survey on Variational Autoencoder

Generative Model Part 2:A Survey on Variational Autoencoder 1. Introduction 1.1 Probabilistic Models and Variational Inference 1.2 Parameterizing Conditional Distributions with Neural Networks ...

Optimal Transport Note:Part 1

Optimal Transport Note: Part 1 Formulation of Optimal Transport Monge Formulation Kantorovich Formulation Special Cases Optimal Transport in One Dimension ...

Generative Model Part 0:Theoretical Basis of Generative Model

Generative Model Part 0:Theoretical Basis of Generative Model 1. From Latent Space Geometry Point of View 1.1. Shortest Path of Determinstic Generative Model 1.2. Stochastic Generative Model ...

Launch A rocket!

符号 火箭模型 推力 重力 空气动力学力 模型火箭模型 模型火箭的历史 模型火箭的结构 模型火箭的物理模型 模型火箭的数值计算 轨道火箭模型 轨道火箭的历史 轨道火箭的结构 组件 火箭发动机 轨道火箭的发射阶段 发射 进...