Karl Wu's Blog

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance


How the Economic Machine Works The Transaction-Based Measure on Economic Machine The Template: Three Fundemental Forces in Economic Productivity Growth The Two Debt Cycles Mo...

Frequency Fourier and Galerkin

Frequency Fourier and Galerkin Low Frenquency and Function Space Low Frequency basis is adequate for Representation What’s function space Fourier Transform and Application ...

Generative Model Part 1:Intuition on Generative Model

Generative Model Part 1:Intuition on Latent Variable Generative Model Intuition:Every ML problem can be reduced to a fitting problem Why latent variable model? What to fit? How good is the fit ? Gen...

Optimal Transport Note:Part 2

Optimal Transport Note: Part 2 Kantorovich Duality Kantorovich Duality Theorem 3.1. Kantorovich Duality Fenchel-Rockafeller Duality ...